Utilizing Smart Home Technology, We Added Light Switches To Enhance Safety & Security

Our customer had an older home that is typical of the metro Boston area, and lacked a number of light switches to make their home more enjoyable, and ultimately safer. With the lights in each room and hallway being controlled by one switch, usually at the entrance, they had to navigate their home in the dark as they shut various lights off. This lead to a safety concern, especially when going up and down stairs at night.

They had contacted a handful of electricians to get lights installed, but the cost was outside of their budget, and would have resulted in a number of holes having to be made in their walls. They had then contacted My Boston Handyman for advice, and we immediately recommended the Lutron Caseta.

The Lutron Caseta system, allows for a hassle free, minimally intrusive way to add additional switches to older homes. Instead of adding wire, the system operates using a smart hub, and allows for lights to be controlled with “dummy” switches. These switches can be placed almost anywhere in existing homes to power on and off lights. Since they are connected to the internet as well, the owner is now able to turn on and off the lights via an application. My Boston Handyman installed these switches at various points in the house creating a much safer and more relaxing environment for the homeowner.