Our customer had experienced an issue with extensive flooding in their yard, resulting in water in their basement. The two primary issues were being down grade from their neighbor, creating an issue with excess runoff flooding their yard, and a failed existing channel drain.

After consulting with our client, we determined an extensive dry well incorporating a larger channel drain, properly pitched would help tame the excessive water runoff. Due to the fencing, we were unable to use heavy equipment, and dug the dry well by hand, encompassing a space of 10′ long by 4′ wide and 4′ deep.

The dry well was then wrapped in fabric to prevent ingress from dirt or other materials and the bottom filled with crushed stone. To ensure proper drainage, an NDS Dry Well was also installed, 10′ from the foundation to prevent future flooding. Once the hole was filled, with the appropriate amount of crushed stone, we sealed the filter fabric around the stone and NDS Dry Well.

The NDS Dry Well was connected to a 10′ NDS Channel Drain, which was cemented to the ground and pitched to ensure proper water runoff into the dry well. Along the driveway, pavement was used to ensure continuity of the design, along with pitching the water into the channel drain. For edging, we utilized natural granite blocks to prevent the stones from entering the grass, and to provide contrast to the crushed stone. The blocks were leveled and cemented in place. To ensure an aesthetically pleasing environment, the remainder of the crushed stone was put on top of the filter fabric and natural stone walking steps were placed.